Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snow Overllllloa.... Error.

Hi Jammers!
Happy New Years eve eve lol
or day before New Years Eve :3
Well hello good ole' friend, how have yeah been?
Snowy? Well then. Ok anyways... This item was my favorite of all from last year!
It gives me the warm fuzzy feeling of buddies who randomly go into your den XD
Aww yes! But the best of all about it is is is... THE SNOWWWW!!! Eeee!
(In Spongebob Narrator Voice) 1 hour later. l:l
Oh yay more snow items! Probably never gonna use them but you know.
Fun and dangerous to think about lol.
Jamaaliday Lit Fireplace
Items: 6
Fire Pot: 400 gems
Lit Baobab Tree: 350 gems x2
Carnation: 350 gems x2
Jamaaliday Planter: 400 gems
Total: 2,200 gems
Note: This Design is great in the basement or in the entrance room
in the center of a wall.

Peace, Love, Snow.
Error. ;)

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