Wednesday, December 31, 2014

So Long 2014! + Creepy Snow Peeps + Spider Magicians

Hi Jammers!
Happy New Year's eve to those of you who live in or near the US
(aka me :P)
To those of you who live way on the other side happy new year you lucky peeps :P

 OM Eeeeek!
Ahhhh I have wanted this item to come so badly! And now it has!
The glow! The wooden handles! The rope! The color! it is all just amazing!!!
My favorite of all the ones these Jamaalidays, great for den designs :3
hue hue hue
 Um, not trying to be like a critic but, this is creepy...
And since when does snow BEHOLD! Fire???
The eyelashes of the snow-woman scare me.
Then why do they have arms?! Aren't snow men supposed to have sticks???
And if you look closely at the snowman
AJHQ forgot to put the snow in under the furthest back arm...
 Winter Lit Wall
Items: 10
Icicle Lights: December 31st
Snowflake Banner: Jamaaliday Rescue
Carnation: 400 gems x2
Lit Palm: Jamaaliday Jam Currently Unavailable x2
Paw Ornament: 350 Gems x3
Pirate Chest: 200 gems
Total: 1,850 gems
Note: This design is non member! Kinda like how cupcake00014's member status is sadly :(
But anyways, this design is best placed on a wall.
 Winter Year End!
Items: 8
Lit Baobab: Jamaaliday Jam Currently Unavailable x2
Jamaaliday Hedge: December 1st
Jamaaliday Planter: 400 gems x2
Wolf/Star Firework: New Year's Party 2015 350 gems x2
Total: 1,500 gems
Note: This design is best placed inside in a corner wall like: ^
or outside in the middle of open grass.
Ahhhh! Spiders are magicians!!!!! They have affected our decor!!
How come I can see all the little mistakes AJHQ does so clearly! D:
What will the spider magicians affect next?
Find out next year!
Did I get yeah? :D

Peace, Wonder, Magicians.

Contests & Giveaways!

Neon Bow Giveaway - The holiday Giveaway is here! Make sure to enter soon it won't too last long!


Art & Animation - Currently: On Status: All Free

Additional Features of AJB

Jammer Showcase - Be a part of our blogs history, I am always updating ASAP!
AJ nm Field Guide - Come see the magic of what you can do when your a non member!

Questions? Click here! (or tap :P)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snow Overllllloa.... Error.

Hi Jammers!
Happy New Years eve eve lol
or day before New Years Eve :3
Well hello good ole' friend, how have yeah been?
Snowy? Well then. Ok anyways... This item was my favorite of all from last year!
It gives me the warm fuzzy feeling of buddies who randomly go into your den XD
Aww yes! But the best of all about it is is is... THE SNOWWWW!!! Eeee!
(In Spongebob Narrator Voice) 1 hour later. l:l
Oh yay more snow items! Probably never gonna use them but you know.
Fun and dangerous to think about lol.
Jamaaliday Lit Fireplace
Items: 6
Fire Pot: 400 gems
Lit Baobab Tree: 350 gems x2
Carnation: 350 gems x2
Jamaaliday Planter: 400 gems
Total: 2,200 gems
Note: This Design is great in the basement or in the entrance room
in the center of a wall.

Peace, Love, Snow.
Error. ;)

Contests & Giveaways!

Neon Bow Giveaway - The holiday Giveaway is here! Make sure to enter soon it won't too last long!


Art & Animation - Currently: On Status: All Free

Additional Features of AJB

Jammer Showcase - Be a part of our blogs history, I am always updating ASAP!
AJ nm Field Guide - Come see the magic of what you can do when your a non member!

Questions? Click here! (or tap :P)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Why I haven't been Posting + Neon Bow Giveaway!

Hi Jammers!
Sorry for not posting much lately, I recently got a new computer for Christmas.
It has been quite hard getting used to. I also had to go to my Grandma's for Christmas Dec 26th. Then I have also been having to do MAP Parts for MAP hosts on YouTube. Making animations gets me busy and sadly a large project I was working on my old computer is too large and risky to get to my other computer and I have to restart that project. Argggg
Here is a WIP of one of my MAP Parts:
This IS NOT I REPEAT NOT DONE IT'S CALLED A WIP, I seemed a little bit rough back there
Yeah thanks Animal Jam for not loading for when I want to post you poop.
Oh yeah then the Contest, either enter by YouTube
(click on thing to right and it's first video right now)
or you can enter privately or enter without a Blogger or a YouTube here!
Oh yeah and here's video:
As you can see I am still trying best with my computer Windows 8 you bug me!
I am Windows 6 XD

Peace, Love, Math.
(insert new banner because AJ won't load)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Frosty can't Visit, poo.

Hi Jammers!
Hey look I can post lol
Today comes our Frosty back! Wait here I have no snow, I am sorry frosty you won't survive long here. But wait! We're getting snow Christmas! But with rain on the ground from the day before.
Gosh darn it! Can't we get snow!?
Ooo! The better looking item is nm! Well better looking in my opinion, you don't have to have my opinion :3
Ish just so, detailed! Then also I am not too much a fan of winter phantoms :P
Today for the Jamaaliday gift we got the epic Top Hat!!! :O
Well gingerbread Top Hat but close enough, terrible colors though because brown is repeated 3 more times.
Sorry, just, sorry.
Wild Jamaaliday Tree
Items: 7
Ok right now I have a head ache and I can't stand the bright white of blogger sorry by Jammers just 1 more pic though.

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Added Decor in Forgotten Desert!

Hi Jammers!
I might not at all be able to post tomorrow and the next day for a kinda actually good reason, it's Christmas!
Tomorrow I am going to be at many things though.
Today we can now see why yesterday's rare was a scam of gems! Come on you could've saved like 700 gems!?
Plus this you can color customize.
Yay lets all be samara cheaply XD
Yay another repeat...
We even got a better blue colored one is stores why do we need this? I mean the pole part of it looks like that Michael tire mascot dude. Though the the mailbox is overall werid the bow is adorable!
Not exactly sure when AJHQ did this but, we got some new items decorating our eagle adventure! They actually look really cool!
I hope AJHQ can put these in stores! Ooo I can imagine the den designs!
Wintery Bird Feed
Items: 8
Jamaaliday Bird Feeder: 400 gems x2
Winter Fire Pit: 550 gems
Jamaaliday Planter: 400 gems x2
Jamaaliday Lantern: 400 gems x2
Thin Pine Tree: Jamaaliday Rescue!
Total: 2,950 gems

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


Monday, December 22, 2014

When AJHQ runs Outta Ideas...

Hi Jammers!
Busy times animating late these days and then I am going to Cupcake's House tomorrow, so don't be supeized for these delays for posts!
Woah woah woah!
I thought today we were suposed to have our rare... Oh wait WHAT!!! How is this possible!? 2 items in a rare item Monday day, lol that sounds werid. That cray cray.
Anyways this item is werid as it has an awkward > shape on the right and left side of the center of the tiara. Then a flower for a snowflake!? I know it suposed to be a snowflake in all together, but it just makes this look spring like!
Holy crab legs that was long!
Next as we go on with our post we get a candy cane in a cupcake!
Lol great to sign that I am going to her house tomorrow XD
Then, I thought Animal Jam was supposed to be about animals! Not humans like Santa! Wait wait wait I forgot about contest brb.
Yeah, they are over, sadly I didn't get in and voting is over too.
Wow... Just wow.
A normal Santa hat with JUST AN ADDED GREEN THING!?
I am not making an RIO out of this, sorry.
I just don't want to have to use and waste my gems for this.

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Animal Jam meets Prince Elsa... Idk

Hi Jammers!
Just went to my friends house :3
 but this post shall not be rushed like da others!
Today's item is Prince else XD
I am sorry XDDDD It just came to my head!!! Ok well anyways it has a really cool design in it with the snowflakes on the bottom border of the crown making it great for outfits of all sizes from winter!
Next we have the outdoor stove... umm last time I checked you can't cook with stoves in snowy weather...
But this is still great since Animal Jam is about... Wait... It's about facts and having fun 0-0
*brain explosion*
Outdoor Stove
Items: 10
Winter Fire Pit Table: 450 gems
Mat: 75 gems x3
Leaf Rug: 350 gems x2
Fire Pot: 250 gems x2
Wood Chair: 350 gems x2
Total: 2,575 gems
Note: This design is best for any sort of restaurant den, design best placed out in center of open grass or on the fence line.
Well, just some added items from our Eygtian Family items... But but but the cat!!!
Leaving: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Next Monday, Next Tuesday, Next Wednesday. Yeah repetitive..

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Known Fore & Special Search & Find Jamaa

Hi Jammers!
Once again Saturday was busy XD
Man I need to start gettin' up!
Today's item is the epic looking FIRE PITTTT!!! Ok now people can stop being like, WHO HAS A FIRE PIT???? 
(Aka me XD)
But the thing is... it looks like a hobo fireplace... take out the coffe Plz.
Hmm this seems familiar...
Hm, mh, yes, yes. Good job done AJHQ good well done job.
No seriously good job though now I can reenact Animal Jam's cover lol.
And as seeming like a jam a gram, Ajhq gives us the bows as of 2 years  from now and also last year too :3
No color change, come on!
Eh oh well I get lazy on my animations too.
Roasting Outdoors
Items: 5
Winter Fire Pit: 550 gems
Jamaaliday Lantern: 400 gems x2
Wood Chair: 350 gems x2
Total: 1,300 gems
Note: This design is best placed in the Center of a grass area or in the center of a stone area.
Search & Find Jamaa
Hint: Zios, maker of Mira,
Was worshiped near here.
This happen in different times,
Before Phantom made from a Mira tear.
Extra Bonus:
Winner will recive a rare short green spiked wristband!

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


Friday, December 19, 2014

What Judgemental (Racist) Jammers think of Animals on AJ

This is just what I have been hearing the judgey jammers say which is hilarious in a point XD

(I don't say this though this is OTHER jammers!)

Arctic wolves: Oh my gosh! You always think your the bost of me because your an arctic wolf!

Snow Leopards: Ugh! Why do you have to act so rude with your attacks snow leopard! I SAID NN!!!!

Wolves: You guys are too old! Everyone is a wolf!



Monkeys: YOUR GROSS!


Rhinos: Your not samrt! (not a mess up)


New Jammers: Nubs.

Any new animal: STOP SHOWING OFF! 
(what they mean is: stop being smart with how you spend your diamonds!)


Hi Jammers!
Might be a quick post I got school in a few mins!
Today's awkward item is the human earrings! Don't worry you can just easily put them on... wait... penguins. How woods a penguin even put these on!!! And Eagles and umm...seals!
This item is mean :(
But then the Jamaaliday item is the unicorn Popsicle! And it bugs me how light blue and white are just inverted...
But then all the other ones look just bosssss!!! Even the pink :D I can't get on right now but I wonder what it would look like on a horse...
New member and non member item :D
Jamaaliday Bird Feeder which looks better then it's title, and Jamaaliday Window! Definitely gonna be used in tomorrow's post! Derpppp!
Ornament Lights
Items: 3
Giant Ornament: Dec 18th
Jamaaliday Deer Light: 550 x2
Total: 1,100 + December
Note: This design is best used outside!

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Bipolar, Thought Changing in Between, Update :P

Hi Jammers!
I forgot we were gonna have an update lol.
Today's gift is the wrongly colored Giant ornament. No seriously, it's miss-colored. On the real this it is striped for some reason here here here have a look at it in my inventory!
Da poop?!
Well after nearly a year and a half the foxes take their title back. Wow these kids are cute tho! Just look at them here •D•
I gonna die again like yesterday XD
Oh we'll never mind cause this fox has gotta have that rude attitude! Wow so mean so army like and wants to hurt everything gosh fox I didn't see you to become so terrible :/
Umm ajhq to let you know we have had this adventure for over a week I don't think it's new XD
Well last week they never said anything about it 0-0 hmm... what's ajhq trying to tell us!?
Aww yes, come on search along with me! I will show you when ever any shop gives out or when any daily gifts give out in multiple or single colors! Come join the dark side we have presents >:)
Speaking of presents this is today's clothing item XD what in the world!?
Aww well anyways what's up with the top one!? Why you be curved!!! Lel dats gonna bug me forever.
*cough* *cough* not *cough* too much scamming *cough* werid new rules *cough* make next year better plz.
Yeah if you call the best year this year you better look how much more drama has came in! Seriously ajhq give our chat back! Or upgrade it!
Omg look how many nm items! It actually overpowers the member items! And and and they actually look decent!!! Yeah!!! This is the best time of the year OH MY GOLLY HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY CHRIS... JAMAALIDAYS THIS YEAR!!!
Yeah :D
Woah woah woah wait stop the clock! A lit reindeer thing! And it's nm?! Woah!!!! Ajhq has turned awesome in a couple of mins XD

(I will be starting Den features and it will be changed every Update! Either tell me in the comments a den you think is really epic or your own epicly designed den! The featured den will be the one I think is best that has been sent to me in between the update!)

P3ac3, L0ve, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 
