Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Greely's Detention Selfies (wut? XD)

Hi Jammers!
Lol I got lucky again,
You'll see X3

Ah ha I was right! It was gonna be Greely!
Yayayay I usually never win >:D
Hue hue hue 
But anyways I really like it because it has that necklace he wears and it have the gems he used to have in his eye I wonder why they took it out?
To be honest it was kinda creepy •~•
Greely's Spirit
Wooden Wall Den Portal: 1,000 gems
Greely Portrait: 400 gems
"Pink" Lamp (x2): 50 gems
Total: 1,500 gems
What in the world XD
Ajhq next time don't make something called a color and have a color changer on it. Lol
Oh wows thanks :D 
And anyone else just the same type of prizes cause I think the only items you can get are the following:
When I was on my storage I also got the same 3 :/ hmmmm

Peace, Love, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

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 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 



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