Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thanks AJHQ :D

Hi jammers! Today is a great day! For many reasons! First of all and most importantly today is Animal Jam Buddy's 1 year anniversary! And second of all ajhq put up an early update! What luck we have! 
On the front of our journal we have our newest adorable pet rhinos taking the spotlight (but not really XD) I don't want to get one for a certain reason you will find out later. :P
On our next page we got the not so beta party for the following reasons: 
1: Some items in this den never exised 
2: Some places in this den never exised
3: Some item colors in this den never existed 
This makes me upset because it is showing people the wrong way the beta dens looked :( but anyways let me show you around it :D
This is the bottom level in the center, as you can see ajhq screwed it up with none beta items and unexisting items.
At the bottom left we have the same problem.
At the bottom right we have the same problem but we also have a shop!
Yes it's the "Beta" shop with exactly 0 betas so rare addicted people your welcome :T
Next we have the center which is my favorite part of the party :D
And right above the entrance we have a non existing area which makes me disappointed the most :(
And last but only best we have the actual entrance of the actual beta den finally we have a correct thing!
Onto the next page is a new animal!? Oh and did you know a new animal regularly comes out every 10 weeks? Just so members can save up for one with diamonds. Speaking of diamonds, we have our first actual diamond code! It is TWELVE not 12 but TWELVE. It will give you 1 diamond! And the animal is the following:
Special thanks to a random jammer that said it in Jamaa Township! 
Thanks a ton jasmine!
Now on to the next part of the page, the item. I really like it! It really goes with the wind armor!
And now we have our first animal jam book! Yeah book not a magazine because it has over 170 pages! Yeah I'm pretty sure magazines don't have that many pages. Here is a page of it I found on the web!
As you can tell there are many other pages.
Now we got another contest?! Oh it's a vote thank goodness! #TeamEgpyt!
And then last but kinda least we got the Hard mode of In Too Deep and Daily videos from ajhq?! It seems like they are trying to be like me with my video uploading XD well actually I forgot to post yesterday so nvm.
Oh and this is not the special thing for today. It will be uploaded later today!

Peace, AJB's, Anniversary Day!
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

 *AJ ISpy (contest)* Enter contest for a chance to win AJ rares! (Page: Giveaways & Contests) 

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 



  1. Happy aniversary to your blog!:-)

  2. I want the icecream parlor to come so badly,,,, so sad I cant come on animal jam for some days...

    1. Aww that stinks! But don't worry you have about 2 weeks to vote and also if you can't get on for some days that's means you can still the update for a good amount of time!

  3. Yup jammer49612 you are right and btw it also gave me advice bwcause my computer is also not working....


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5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<

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