Sunday, July 6, 2014

Styling Blanket, The One of Rescue!

Hi jammers! I was kinda... baswnned from my Electronics today so I couldn't post earlier... don't want to say reason. But I was able to post a video still. It was supposed to be yesterday's video but who cares :D
Today's item for stylin' is the Quilted Blanket! It is a great item that is non member woohoo! Don't worry I made a non member outfit for Stylist Sunday! I also made a member one too. Let's stop talkin' 'bout it and show it!
Sorry the items are kinda more rare then buyable. The non member one has only 1 store item. I am sorry it's just that nm items are not good for my style. I more into fluffy wings and all Animal Jam has to offer nm is mechanical and bat ones. So you can see how.

Let me show you the video I uploaded today.
For the next Chapter, I am in need of a role from another! This role is one that was showed earlier on in the video but was shown as my storeage. I have to use my storeage for the main character so I need someone to take this role
Splat plays the 4th most main part in the series. They have a gaint speaking part in Chapter 2, but for the other chapters she is seen as a background. Until the last chapter which is far away from today.

If you want to play as this role you must be able to reach in contact on aj sometime Tuesday. Show your possible ajhq times for tuesday if your intrested if not tuesday Friday is open too.

Peace, Love, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) *AJ ISpy (contest)* Enter contest for a chance to win AJ rares! (Page: Giveaways & Contests) *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! ~Jammer49612

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3. Please no Cussing I am not a fan of this language, but I am used to it because my brother does but I still ain't a fan.

4. To let you know most Animal Jam rules aply to this blog so please read some of the rules there to :) thx

5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<

6. You must have fun, no fun then find fun :D