Sunday, November 2, 2014

(Late) Halloween Animation Video & More!

Hi jammers!
Sorry for not posting the last few days...
I got my electronics taken away.

Today's item is candy!
But here's the catch!
It's not candy! Ajhq wants everyone to eat healthy now that Halloween is over 
Wut 0-0 I still want my candy doe!
Candy Booth
Striped Couch: 200 gems x4
Mats: 75 gems x4
Candy Table: Adventures
Total: 1,100 gems
Note: this is a non member den design good for anywhere inside a den.

Now my Outro saying is this:
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Art Contest*
Want to possibly win some betas for a simple art request?
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

*Den Design Contest*
Do you enjoy designing little designs? Then you will love to enter in this!
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


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If you comment I do apperciate (can't spell DX) it but please follow these rules

1. Please no cyber bullying me or anyone else

2. Please stop or don't start hating on my blog, just don't mkay?

P.S. First hate will be deleted or annoyed on.
2nd Hate- 5th Hate will be deleted
6th Hate will make you banned, if anonymous, anonymous comments will be disabled for a long time until you go.

3. Please no Cussing I am not a fan of this language, but I am used to it because my brother does but I still ain't a fan.

4. To let you know most Animal Jam rules aply to this blog so please read some of the rules there to :) thx

5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<

6. You must have fun, no fun then find fun :D