Friday, August 22, 2014

Cosmo takes a Selfie

Hi jammers! Today I decided photo edits are too hard to do and are not really too great at all. So I will no longer be doing them, but I got some other cool pics instead!

Today's item is Cosmo's Selfie. Come see Cosmo take his very first only him selfie. He has joined the fab Animal Jam squad now fellows. And his little bird on top hat is there to be the security of the selfie. 

Now look at the beauty filled sunrise. Yellow and orange with a hint of red in it. And the foreground with the shadowed forest makes this sunrise one of my best sights ever.
Now I can explain more on this glitch. 
This glitch is caused when you have a player card up or has been up before a trade. When ajhq put this in it show a player but since now 2 things show one thing the programming with the player card ends up with the same code as the trade player card, so they end up colliding.

Peace, Love, Math.
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1 comment:

  1. I thought it was so funny when you said Cosmo took a selfie. XD That glitch is pretty funny too. And that sunrise is pretty. :D


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