Friday, May 30, 2014

Update Post Late + Today

Hi jammers! Today's item is a human ish item sadly.
Bleeeh. Looks werid 0,0. And the pockets are the only thing causing camouflage. 
Yesterday's item was the beutitfu vine rug! The flowers are wowzers! The detail is amazing! I love it!
The first page was the hyenas are here. It said they are sold in the diamond shop but they were also sold in the normal animal shop too! This only happened for a short amount of time so I never got one, sadly. But cupcake does have one. I actually hoping for cupcake to try to post this but I think she couldn't get most of the pictures from me.
The next page just showed AJ Jump was on sale by $1.00 less. I already had it so I didn't really care.
Yes fellows it's back! But not all of it is some items didn't come back.
All aviable items are shown above. As you look you notice there is not stegosaurs armor or lightning necklace. I am hoping these items come back later but for now we are left without.
Wait cruise ship party left? Never knew that. Oooo sale! Now they are normally priced :l.
I wish they kept the memebers only ones (not the new non member one) where they were. Now it's all werid. But the ocean den ones seem great!
As you probably can obviously see is spirit armor coming and Phoenix armor leaving, but I see some more. A whole set is coming! Yes they added a tail and a neck one too it! I only want to keep the tail of Phoenix armor :3.

I hope you fellows enjoyed!

Peace, Love, Math.
*AJ ISpy (contest)* Enter contest for a chance to win AJ rares! (Page: Giveaways & Contests)

*Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested!


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