Saturday, May 31, 2014

Note for Jammers who think there should be no members

Hello jammers. I have been looking around at aj stuff and many comment say to have no members and have nm have ALL the rights. If nm had all the rights then there would be no more new jammers, no buying items, no buying new dens, no buying new animals, and any others things that include adding things to aj's data. 

Yes I do think that nm should have some more rights like free chat, past chat thing, sending gifts, nd 4 animal slots, but not all. If you want aj to keep running then you would have to help give them money but only if you want to, make sure you ask your parents/guardians first though. I am pretty sure ajhq realizes that the more they give to nm the more jammers are happy, including many members too. 

If I had to compare aj nm to club penguin nm, I would say aj nm are better. In club penguin nm can't even buy a single item or go to the monthly parties, once I got a account on club penguin I immediately quit the next day because it just wasn't fun as a nm. If you think ajhq is money hungry then look at Club Penguin hq!


1 comment:

  1. You are right! i have a club penguin account and i never go on it


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5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<

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