Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hummin' with the Sunnin' Summer

Hi jammers! Great news the hummingbirds have returned where I am for the Summer hotel stay. To stay one day you need 1,209.6 grams of food per day (24 hours). 
Before we showcase the hummingbirds let's move on to today's item.
Wow, a perfect item for the topic now let's go check it out for any hummingbir...
Seems like Old even beat the butterfly. Silly little guy! Let's let him sleep we probably not find a hummingbird on it today seeing his sleepiness.
Now let's move on to humming birds!
This picture was quickly token on top my backpack.
These were actually my quickest creation of a stuffed animal depending on how well I did. 1 hour and 27 mins! My personal record!
Well it only had 3 main parts (wings and body) and 5 additional parts (pupils, white part of eye, and beak. Counting both, just times my recordings by 2.

Peace, Love, Math.
*AJ ISpy (contest)* Enter contest for a chance to win AJ rares! (Page: Giveaways & Contests)

*Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested!


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