Thursday, June 19, 2014

Peck Tiki Comparing and Gifts

Hi jammers! Sorry about not doing Animal Jam posts for a while it's just that i haven't been too intrested in it a lot and because my parents have not been liking how much I have been on electronics. Then I also have some sad news, Cupcake00014 won't be here with me until Wednesday next week. That means no more as good videos on Youtube. Want to see some of my recent uploads? Click here!
Looks like they have made it so you can have those cool looking underwater tikis above water :D And of course PECK the Rabbit Alpha aka a GIRL still looks like a boy in this! Rant!
Let's go see hoe simalar above water is to underwater. 
Seems like gif isn't working for puffin right now. Sorry friends D:
Have you guys hit the gift on the spin yet? Well, my storeage has! And did you you can get as much as 3 gifts on the spin! Well let's go see what we got!

Well, now we know, the spinner gifts stink (or are awesome depending on who you are).
Oh! I forgot to post this but when I came back, I got an artist plaque! Sadly I do not know what drawing I made was featured because they changed the drawings before I could see it.
This is my second gift from AJHQ! I am definatly going to give them more of what i draw! And yes I have sent in my clothing idea. It is a squirrel hat! I am not going to show you guys the drawing because some people can't draw and steal other people's work.

Peace, Love, Math.
*AJ ISpy (contest)* Enter contest for a chance to win AJ rares! (Page: Giveaways & Contests) *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! ~Jammer49612

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3. Please no Cussing I am not a fan of this language, but I am used to it because my brother does but I still ain't a fan.

4. To let you know most Animal Jam rules aply to this blog so please read some of the rules there to :) thx

5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<

6. You must have fun, no fun then find fun :D