Friday, June 20, 2014

Greely the Tiki

Hi jammers! Look I am actually posting really early! I'm so proud of myself :D
Today's item is the Greely as the Tiki! With random claws, random tongue sticking out, and eye things.
You know what this reminds me of? My grandpa! He is a great wood craver. He even made this bear that sits in the centre of my city's park! 
Aww memories! I am even thinking of trying wood cravings.
Then yesterday I found a snake in my landscape. They seemed kinda friendly. 

For those of you who can't draw too well, here is a tip: imagine what you want to draw in your head. This is what expresses your creative flow to go on. Once you have your picture don't just draw straight lines, make curves! Not everything has to be a straight line!
Then a little later after I post I find there is another item!
I just traded a light brown mech for this but I am thinking of giving it to any non member who comments they want it! 

Peace, Love, Math.
*AJ ISpy (contest)* Enter contest for a chance to win AJ rares! (Page: Giveaways & Contests)

*Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested!


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