Saturday, February 14, 2015


As you might have noticed if you're my buddy I haven't been on in a few days. Animal Jam Buddy has been hard to keep updated everyday and it has been tough to Jam on and post and keep up with grades in real life. I have been thinking about this for a couple months now and I have decided. I am going to quit posting about Animal Jam.

But don't worry, cause I still will be getting on! I just won't get on everyday or week. I might still do quick no-picture posts every now and then. But until my membership runs out I will quit AJ (Don't worry I got like 180 days left.) I will also be holding an Animal Jam Party for my birthday on the 6th of March and the party will be sometime on the 7th.

Also, I didn't just quit for the sake of grades I have a lot more reasons. It just hasn't been as fun as it was in 2012.

1. Now if you don't have rares you will get picked on and sometimes forced into having to scam for rares for a friend. Also most new items come and fun little old items are forced out having me to have to search like 4 hours just for a quick design...

2. Diamonds. AJHQ is abusing the ability for diamonds on EVERYTHING! New animals? Diamonds. New cute pets! (0/u 0)/ Diamonds ;-;
Every like one time in a year now, then give a non-diamond thing out. And guess what AJHQ stopped doing! :D
Non-member animals and pets...

3. New crap is replacing items from 2012. As you might see from my posts, I like to have realistic things. AJHQ is clearing out all our old cool looking items for just non-sense! I know this game is meant for younger kids, but I do know they know some people my age (12) still play and are probably the abundance of jamming in Jamaa. They also abuse this.

4. Allowing crap like scamming is well done now. Everyday I play I am trying to avoid all the scammers wanting my headdresses, but all I see in my mail is "GIVE ME YOUR HEADDRESS OR I WILL HACK YOU!" I just try to ignore this but every freaking day I get about 10 of these Jam-A-Grams. It like if you freaking want it then why haven't you freaking hacked me yet?! I don't give a crap about freaking rares. Be happy I didn't swear.

5. Just no. Every time I see a new animal is coming and they are like OTTERS ARE COMING TO JAMAA! I end up disappointed once they come. On every animal you see only 1/4 (25%, .25) of all AJ items look decent and not rushed onto the animal for the sake of bringing it out. In 2012, AJHQ did not bring out an animal every 10 weeks, like they do now, but they took time and did it about every 20 weeks and brang out worked on animals like the Snow Leopard and Arctic Wolves, you see more of these animals then all of the 2014/2015 animals combined...

6. Bullying, Rumors, Stupid lazy game breaking not fixed glitches. For like since AJHQ brought out safe chat for everyone, people found out ways of swearing, abusive words, and even "mating" words. In the game younger kids, 7-10 years old, are learning these terrible words from kids my age and take months to fix it and then end up bringing back old bad words. Then rumors, rumors, rumors, rumors. That is what the game is about now... JUMP ON THE BRIDGE YOU GET RARES! SAVE GREEN FOR LAST YOU GET RARES!?!?! DON'T OPEN CHESTS YOU GET RARES! What the actual crap guys, Why the freak do you make this crap up even though you know it is not true. Then the game breaking glitches like the blind time in Forgotten Desert have broke the game and have never been fixed even though they were not there to begin with, AJHQ stop trying to improve stuff if you know this crap is gonna happen.

I miss the old AJ for sure, I wish site bring backers were real so I could go back and play in 2012, Animal Jam's peak of new jammers. No rares, No new crap, No complete glitch crap.
Though it is AJ's worst time for new stuff, I have many jammers I want to thank for peace in these periods, social media and not social media.

Thank you 2fangwolf for literally almost everything I have enjoyed. I love all of what you do for all the jammers that are member or not. You are the one who kept me on AJ through all these bad times. And most of all, the greatest of all comments on my blog and replies to my comments on your blog. I cannot thank you enough! I will forever miss you! :')

Thank you Mimi5000, purplestarclub, violet86271, wolfprincess675, cutepups522, arcticpenguin661 for the great comments on my blog throughout my posts even though I haven't replied to all of them I have always read them and have been so grateful for every single one of them! I will miss all of you lots!

Thank you ihavethecat and chewiemaster for being the greatest and best of jammers on animal jam you have nearly always been there with me in all my adventures and just hung out with me for the longest and best of times!

Though I probably missed a whole ton of you guys I am always thanking you for everything! And if you want to continue on my blog I will always be checking my Animal Jam Buddy Tryouts document  and also my email everyday for any Tryouts if you want Animal Jam Buddy to continue! Click here to go to document!

I will always miss you guys.
Jammer49612 logging off.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Owls! The Miniature Eagles!

Hi Jammers!
:D I am back on good posting times for updates! Yeah!!!

 Finally you guys don't have to wait and be so very disappointed that they look terrible or weird.
To be honest I do still think many parts of the owl are weird, like the beak is just 1 see-able color which makes it look a little funky... Then head items are not on their heads, they are ON their faces =.=

 Omg best pattern ever! Come grow your very own beard in a click!
Gahhhh! I wuv it 0u0

Owls yes then can go to the adventure of that like popular adventure with the name forgotten. Umm AJHQ it has been our most successful adventure, I do not think forgotten fits the name too much now...

As like I said when the poll came out first for this update, I am fine that this came! It wasn't too over crowding, it has many good dens for the items, and it is great for buddies to hang out and have a fun little play near! I do wish we got the paint studio though because I didn't want to have to wait the see more art things in my den :)

 Then like every new animal we got ourselves some info booths! I usually don't read the books but I do read the museum  exhibits which offer so many interesting facts! You should really go check it out! :D

 I wonder how many scammers are gonna pick up their scamming on this day :\
It is sad how many people want people who are younger to suffer their items to just disappear from their view and storage. Most scammers I see are more older and in my age group (12-13) I do not scam though. Lots of the people in my age group don't see Animal Jam as fun, so they decide to choose fame, and not friends. This is really a bad roll model they are making here.

Aww yes! I love Wild Explorers! The first one was amazing can't wait to see this after school! :)
And it seems like Special Delivery has turned to the BETA's First Adventure, where jammers had defeated soooo many phantoms! Over 7 million!

New owl gif! :)

Peace, Love, Owls.
Click up there!

Contests & Giveaways!



Art - Requests: Currently: On Status: All Free

Additional Features of AJB

Jammer Showcase - Be a part of our blogs history, I am always updating ASAP!
AJ nm Field Guide - Come see the magic of what you can do when your a non member!

Questions? Click here! (or tap :P)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Flowers Update-ly? Chocolate Designs!

Hi Jammers!
Wow this is so late, AJHQ is about to update AJ in like an hour XD
so sorrys!

Today's item is the Primrose Bouquet (sorry for name block >.<)
XD but I do actually think this flower is kinda more cool looking because it has more shades :)
And I think every update AJHQ makes a new flower 0-0
Well, that literally look exactly like the one above just no color changing.
At least there is a nm verison am I right? :D
AJHQ be like: let's just take out a few flowers and WAL-LA! BRAND NEW!
XD I am just kids lel
Mira's Valentine Gift
Items: 4
 Chocolate Mira: Special Delivery Adventure
Carnation: Out of Stores! (Used to be 350 each) x2
Heart Roses: Special Delivery Adventure
Note: This design is best placed in a love, Valentine's Day, or Food den in the center of a deck or grass area
Chocolate Mysteries
Items: 5
Chocolate Mira: Special Delivery Adventure x2
Chocolate Zios Fountain: Special Delivery Adventure
Chocolate Arrow Fountain: Special Delivery Adventure
Heart Roses: Special Delivery Adventure
Note: This design is best for the same themes as design above and is best placed on the wall of an indoor or outdoor room.

Peace, Love, Math.
Click up there!

Contests & Giveaways!



Art - Requests: Currently: On Status: All Free

Additional Features of AJB

Jammer Showcase - Be a part of our blogs history, I am always updating ASAP!
AJ nm Field Guide - Come see the magic of what you can do when your a non member!

Questions? Click here! (or tap :P)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Raccoons and Creepy Love

Hi Jammers!
Ehhhhh, sorry it is a short post :(
Welp, since I have been not getting too much sleep due to animating lately, I was in mind of quitting this blog. But then I saw how many people (even though it is only a few Smile) actually wait everyday to see me post! I could not let that down! I swear I will never quit on you guys c:

Heart Ring
0-0 I know it is valentine’s time… but seriously…. the extra hearts near the gem take this too far! Hmm I wonder how many “weddings” I will see now =.=
Guys… please… don’t… just please. You are practically fake committing illegal marriage, that just is so wrong in so many ways even though it is not the real thing.
Now little coon coon to make things much happier! :3
Omg I love how this came out personally *0* I never knew I could do stripes!!!! :D
Don’t forget this is free to use!

Peace, Love, Math.
Click up there!
Contests & Giveaways!
Art - Requests: Currently: On Status: All Free
Additional Features of AJB
Jammer Showcase - Be a part of our blogs history, I am always updating ASAP!
AJ nm Field Guide - Come see the magic of what you can do when your a non member!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Rare Heart Antennas + Free Friendship Masks from me

Hi Jammers!
Ok so I finally got my animal jam buddy tryouts thingy done
so if you want to join me and sorta cupcake in my blog over on the weekends

Ok this rare is actually pretty cute ^.^
the brightest white (brighter then normal animal color white) helps to give off the show of the item instead of hindering its view.
Then the purple comes to give a good adding detail also being brighter!
And then the pric..!...
Oh, never mind about that. 
 Playful Bunny
Items: 4
Rare Heart Antennas: 750 gems
Leaf Necklace: 350 gems
Leaf Armour: 90 gems
Kite: Not in Stores
Total: 1,190 gems
Note: This outfit is best for any cute themes and or valentines day themes, leaf necklace would be best changed if it was changed to its rare form.
Ok guys, I DO NOT need anymore of this.
Staph giving me rare friendship masks I am gonna explode!
Ok if you want one just put your username in the comments lol
first 4 to do so get them (1 per person jammer)

Peace, Love, Math.
Click up there!

Contests & Giveaways!



Art - Requests: Currently: On Status: All Free

Additional Features of AJB

Jammer Showcase - Be a part of our blogs history, I am always updating ASAP!
AJ nm Field Guide - Come see the magic of what you can do when your a non member!

Questions? Click here! (or tap :P)

Surprise! :3