Hi Jammers!
Welcome to the large post >:3
Ehh I am too lazy to post the item :P
Otter Sea Suit
Shell Helmet: 300 gems
Rare Seaweed Boa: 900 gems
Total: 1,200 gems
Total: 2,600 gemsNature Jamaa Sign
Large Planter: 700 gems
Fountain Sprinkler: 350 gems x2
Wall Ivy: 300 gems x2
Jamaa Neon Sign: 450 gems
Total: 2,450 gems
Note: add a flag behind the Jamaa sign and help show your country!
Cushioned Lilly Pad
Mat: 75 gems x3
Pillow: 75 gems x3
Lilly Rug: 400 gems
Total: 800 gems
Note: Make the rug a buttercup rug and you can have yourself a non member design!
Skate Shelves
Inline Skates: 350 gems x2
Glass Shelves: 350 gems
Vine Lamppost: 400 gems x2
Total: 1,450 gems
Note: The more skates you add the cooler it can look! I suggest varying the colors too!
Forest Rest & Relaxation
Porch Swing: 500 gems x2
Large Planter: 700 gems x2
Fountain Sprinkler: 350 gems
Epic Seasonal Tree: 2,250 gems
Rustic Hanging Lantern: 400 gems x2
Total: 5,800 gems
Note: If you don't have the lit Boabab tree then you can use a Bonsai, Lobster Claw, or Large Cactus instead!
Peace, Love, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612)
*Art Contest*
Want to possibly win some betas for a simple art request?
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*5,000 views Giveaway!*
In need of some items? Come enter to have a chance to win 1 of 4 betas/rares! Page: Giveaways & Contests
*Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested!
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4. To let you know most Animal Jam rules aply to this blog so please read some of the rules there to :) thx
5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<
6. You must have fun, no fun then find fun :D