Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Graham's Action Shot, The Party AJ Games

Hi Jammers!
I shall just go straight to the post today :P

Today's item is Graham's action shot out of him finishing his big project, Tavie's Tail.
I wonder what tomorrow item will be X3
I am guessing... Erm. Greely I think...
Now did you know we have 2 games on double gems? Spider Zapper n Phantom Fighter :3 
Anyways here's the tips!
Spider Zapper:
Two heads are better than one! Come get a buddy to play as well it will be easier!
If you rapidly click you have more of a chance to get the spiders.

If you have a buddy with you try to have you get one side and they get the other side.
When spiders across the bottem appear you don't have to follow then get it you can just rapidly click in one area so they run into it!

Phantom Fighter:
Try to keep 1 area always clear of phantoms.
If you get the triple shooter you can just be in one area and move a little the rid all the phantoms!
It's hard to shoot with the lightning shooter
You can hold down the spacebar for repeative shooting (just learned XD)

Do you think this should be a multiplayer? Don't worry I do too.

Peace, Love, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

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 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 


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