Saturday, October 25, 2014

Late but Not Undone!

Hi jammers!
I am too tired from a suprize of events today! So I didn't center this...
Today's item is the Goodie bag bucket!
Add this on almost any animal and...
Wa La!
You have got yourself a...
See I even did it!
Just look how much cuter I look now!
I don't know how..
I feel fluffier too...
Next on the list is a potion set! 
The green ones!
They look so gross and werid...
Then we have magical grape juice and nom-iful orange juice!

Peace, Love, Math.
Questions? Come ask what you want or must know! I will always try to answer it! (Page: Ask Jammer49612) 

*Art Contest*
Want to possibly win some betas for a simple art request?
Page: Giveaways & Contests!

*5,000 views Giveaway!*
In need of some items? Come enter to have a chance to win 1 of 4 betas/rares! Page: Giveaways & Contests

 *Art & Animation* Come to the page Requests to get a animation or art requested! 



  1. Replies
    1. Oops, I just realized I'm on my brother's blogger account! I'm not actually tigerboy675, I'm wolfprincess675 >.<

    2. Commercial: Magical Grape Juice; Be a bunny and fly like an eagle!


If you comment I do apperciate (can't spell DX) it but please follow these rules

1. Please no cyber bullying me or anyone else

2. Please stop or don't start hating on my blog, just don't mkay?

P.S. First hate will be deleted or annoyed on.
2nd Hate- 5th Hate will be deleted
6th Hate will make you banned, if anonymous, anonymous comments will be disabled for a long time until you go.

3. Please no Cussing I am not a fan of this language, but I am used to it because my brother does but I still ain't a fan.

4. To let you know most Animal Jam rules aply to this blog so please read some of the rules there to :) thx

5. I know I might sometimes say a little rude stuff sometimes if I do just please tell me because I do get a little over tempered due to real life madness sometimes >.<

6. You must have fun, no fun then find fun :D