Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Valentines Day (late) Outfit

Hi jammers! Good news and bad news. The good news is I got a snow day! The bad news is I got a blizzard bag (HW due 2 weeks after the snow day). Anyways here is today's post! 
Lovey Bird
Heart antennas- 300 gems
Right or Left Friendship Necklace- 350 gems
Cupid Wings- 450 gems
Elf Bracelets- 250 gems
Total: 1,350 gems

Ok, now I made up plushie art on the computer then I thought... I want to make a stuffed animal. I went to work and the first one wasn't very good so I made another and it also wasn't so good. Now I have made my first good one!
A literal red fox :3

Peace, Love, Math.


  1. OH MY GOSH! I love that plushie!!! Can you post instructions? SO COOL!!

    1. sure well i will try to it might be in a couple days depends on how much homework i get

    2. It is taking too long sorry I won't be able to make one anymore

  2. That's ok. Thanks for considering it!


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